Ceòladairean Beaga: Gaelic under 5s music class

  • Drop In Class

Nach tig sibh còmhla rinn airson òrain, gèamannan agus spòrs anns a’ Ghàidhlig còmhla ri neach-ciùil Carrie Fhoirbeis. Bidh ionnsramaidean, sgeulachdan, pupaidean is eile. Bi cruthachail agus dèan caraidean ùra anns a’ chlas ùr seo.

Faid clas: 10:15m-11m

Cosgaidh tiogaidean £6 gach pàiste. Feumaidh pàrantan/luchd-cùraim fuireach sa chlas ach chan fheum iad tiogaid fa leth a cheannach.

Faodaidh tu àite a ghlèidheadh airson an teirm air fad no airson aon bhùth-obrach a-mhàin bho 10m an latha roimhe.

Join us for songs, games and fun through the medium of Gaelic led by music tutor Carrie Forbes. There will be instruments, stories, puppets and more. Get creative and make new friends.

Class running time: 10:15am-11am

Tickets are £6 per child. Parents/guardians are required to stay in the class but do not need to purchase a separate ticket.

You can either book for the whole term or for an individual workshop from 10am the day before.

We’re delighted to be able to offer a Pay It Forward option when purchasing class tickets/subscriptions. This gives you the option to add £1 per week to the cost of your ticket, to help us continue to offer all our exciting classes, projects and opportunities to those who may face additional barriers to participation.

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