Gary Innes + Ewen Henderson with Rory Matheson

  • Music

Though most commonly found performing with the multi award-winning band Mànran, Gary Innes and Ewen Henderson have travelled the Highland highways and byways as a duo and played in corners as far-flung as Kazakhstan and China, not to mention touring the entire West Coast of the United States in a convertible Mustang. Indeed, it is from these very adventures and the strong musical heritage of Lochaber that their music – and stories spring and resonate.

Join Gary, Ewen and Rory for what promises to be an unforgettable night of tunes, songs and stories.

It wasn’t the worst concert I've ever been to!

Gary's Mum

I never thought I would have enjoyed it as much as I did

Ewen's Mum

What on earth is my boy doing playing with those reprobates?!

Rory's Mum

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