FILMLANDS is a brand new network for emerging filmmakers in the Highlands and Islands, providing opportunities to build connections with like-minded people across our region to foster filmmaking and support creative production.

Informed by similar filmmaking networks in the Central Belt such as Café Flicker and Film Loop, FILMLANDS is a place for emerging filmmakers to meet, connect, share and develop ideas, stories and scripts, and develop their own DIY filmmaking - all in a safe space focusing on peer support and the exchange of dialogue.

FILMLANDS will also offer a short film open mic night that promotes local short films from the Highlands and Islands and a further networking opportunity for all film creatives. Whether it is a short film, music video or a work in progress that needs a test audience, you can showcase your work as a filmmaker, artist, writer, actor or composer at our cinema space in Eden Court!

Before the start of each screening, there will be a free drop-in session for film creatives to meet and connect in our café space. Support, delivery and guidance will be provided by the film team from Eden Court's Engagement department.