Bùth-obrach Drama | Gaelic Drama Workshop

  • Engagement
  • Drop In Class

Thig còmhla rinn airson bùthan-obrach dràma Gàidhlig do chloinn ann an C5 – AS3 far an ionnsaich thu mar a chleachdas tu do mhac-meanmna, do bhodhaig agus do ghuth tro gheàmanan agus eacarsaichean. Cuimhnich bogsa-bìdh agus aodach is brògan freagarrach airson a’ gluasad mu chuairt a thoirt leat. 
Faodaidh tu àite a ghlèidheadh airson
an teirm air fad no airson aon bhùth-obrach a-mhàin bho 10m an latha roimhe.

Join us for our Gaelic medium drama workshops for pupils in P5 – S3 where you'll learn how to use your imagination, body and voice through games and exploration. Remember to bring a pack lunch and clothes suitable for moving around. You can either book for the whole term or for an individual workshop from 10am the day before.

Your tutors are:

Le taic bho Urras Brosnachaidh na Gàidhlig
Supported by The Gaelic Language Promotion Trust

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