Out Loud

  • Film
  • Documentary
  • Gaelic

From the age of 16, Kim Carnie spent six years in a secret same-sex relationship.

In Kim Carnie Out Loud, Kim meets other members of the LGBTQ+ community from around the world, who also hid their sexuality for a variety of reasons, from being born in a country where being gay is illegal to feeling pressure from their family or community. She also meets LGBTQ+ activists, fighting each day to make the world a better place.

This documentary sees Kim reflecting on the internal homophobia that she felt for a long time but which has now been replaced by a deep sense of pride in her sexuality and in being in the LGBTQ+ community. Inspired by the people that she meets and some of the stories that she hears, Kim writes songs, providing a powerful soundtrack to the documentary.

Kim Carnie Out Loud is both an exploration of the challenges faced by people because of their sexuality and a joyous celebration of being gay.

We are delighted that the director, Maureen MacLeod, will join us for a Q&A after the screening.

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