Cruinn Còmhla leis na Caimbeulaich

Eden Court in partnership with Blas Festival
  • Music
  • Gaelic

Tha sinn a’ comharrachadh Fo Bhlàth | Under Blossom aig an snaigheadair Liondsaidh Chaimbeul le oidhche shònraichte den t-sreath chuirmean Cruinn Còmhla againn leis na Caimbeulaich à Slèite.

’S e oidhche air leth a bhios ann le ceòl is òrain bho Ciorstaidh, Eòsaph agus Brìghde Chaimbeul, Juliette Ashman agus bàrdachd bho Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul agus an t-Àrd Ollamh Meg Bateman.

Bidh Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn an tòiseach le beagan eadar-theangachadh Beurla, mar sin bidh fàilte air a h-uile duine.

Bidh Cailean MacIlleathain na fhear an taighe.

We're celebrating sculptor Liondsaidh Chaimbeul's September exhibition Fo Bhlàth | Under Blossom with an extra special edition of our Cruinn Còmhla concert series!

  • Music + song from Juliette Ashman + Ciorstaidh, Eòsaph + Brìghde Chaimbeul
  • Poetry from Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul + Professor Meg Bateman
  • Optional pre-show talk + exhibition tour with Liondsaidh Chaimbeul + Professor Meg Bateman

Sets will be introduced in Gaelic with some English translation, so all are welcome to enjoy the event.

Cailean MacLean will host the evening.

Còmhradh ro-làimh: 6f | Pre-show talk: 6pm

Ron chuirm, bidh tachartas an-asgaidh ann an Seòmar MhicIllEathain leis an snaigheadair Liondsaidh Chaimbeul, òraid bhon bhàrd Meg Bateman agus turas timcheall an taisbeanadh Fo Bhlàth | Under Blossom.

There will also be a free pre-show conversation in the MacLean Room with sculptor Liondsaidh Chaimbeul, a talk from poet Meg Bateman and a tour of the Fo Bhlàth | Under Blossom exhibition.

Dates + Times