With our new season brochure out now, let the Eden Court team guide you through some personal highlights and hotly anticipated events...
Ailey 2 / Cinders!
My eyes are on our incredible dance line-up over the next year. Alvin Ailey is a legendary name when it comes to contemporary dance – he literally changed the entire landscape when it comes to race and sexuality – and the next generation of dancers in the Ailey2 company are future legends in the making. What better experience than to see them perform Ailey’s most well-known piece Revelations at this stage in their careers? Jeté-ing from contemporary to ballet, Scottish Ballet are bringing two well-known pieces with Cinders! and Swan Lake, but it’s the former that I’m most looking forward to. In a rare and unique move, the company will be bending gender expectations by presenting the main ‘Cinderella’ character as either male or female – and you won’t know which one you’re watching until curtain’s up!
Richard Bailey, Digital Marketing Manager / Manaidsear Margaidheachd Didseatach
Craig Hill - This Gets Harder Every Year
I am so looking forward to seeing Craig Hill – This Gets Harder Every Year. If you haven't experienced Craig Hill, you should! I am telling friends to get this on their bucket list. I saw him the last time he was here and I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt. His infectious energy and charisma filled the theatre. Craig Hill is a true master of hilarity and his razor-sharp interactions with the audience were side-splitting. This is so much more than a comedy show and I am excited to see what new material and impromptu humour he will be bringing this time. Roll on November 11!
Hannah Rowan, Visitor Experience Assistant / Neach-cuideachaidh Eòlas Luchd-tadhail
The Enormous Christmas Turnip / Roald Dahl's The Three Little Pigs
Tha e a’ còrdadh rium cho mòr mo chlann òga a thoirt dhan taigh-cluiche. Tha iad a’ dol an-sàs anns an sgeulachd cho mòr is bruidhnidh iad mu dheidhinn airson seachdainean, mìosan neo fiu’s bliadhnaichean an dèidh làimh. Tha sinn an-comhnaidh a’ dol gu dealbh-cluich na Nollaige agus am bliadhna tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri The Enormous Christmas Turnip. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ dèanamh fiughar ri ionnsachadh mu ionnsramaidean ann an Roald Dahl’s The Three Little Pigs.
I love the excitement of taking my young family to live performances in the theatre. They get so engrossed in the story and talk about it for weeks, months and even years afterwards. We always go to the children’s Christmas play and this year we are really looking forward to The Enormous Christmas Turnip. Also looking forward to exploring the different instruments of the orchestra in Roald Dahl’s The Three Little Pigs.
Emily MacDonald, Manaidsear Phròiseactan Gàidhlig / Gaelic Project Manager
Al Seed is a brilliant visual theatre maker and I’m looking forward to seeing something a little different than I’m perhaps used to. On his visit here, there’ll also be an exciting full day workshop the Sunday beforehand, open to all theatre makers and emerging theatre makers alike, aged 18+. You can book on to this with a combined ticket price for the workshop and show. The show explores the themes of the politics of conflict and its remembrance in statues. The imagery for the show already looks particularly striking and exciting!
Morag Russell, Engagement Programme Coordinator / Co-òrdanaiche Prògram a' Chompàirteachaidh
Documentary Photography Awards exhibition
I have always enjoyed the variety of works that are being showcased at the Gallery each month. Seeing our local baker, Tristan Aitchison, hanging up his huge photographic work on the concrete wall just reflects how many talented local artists we have in the Highlands. I personally really look forward to the Documentary Photography Awards that’s coming up in June as I’m a big fan of true events. (Stalls Foyer Gallery, June 2024)
Chak Hin Leung, Arts Practitioner - Film / Neach-ealain – Film
Don't. Make. Tea.
Birds of Paradise are Scotland’s professional disability-led theatre company and when I saw the title that certainly got my attention! What on earth was it about?
As the company described it further it became clear to me that important questions in the play are being asked of society (but are we ready to listen and take heed?)
So If you like your comedy dark then this fully integrated BSL, audio described, captioned piece of theatre about a transformed Scottish benefits system in the future and its impact on disabled people (which does not go well – it wouldn’t be dark if everything went smoothly would it?) could be the one for you – give it a try!
Roz Bell, Head of Live Performance / Stiùiriche Chuirmean Beò